There are a multitude of options for working with crystals for psychic self-defense, ranging from wearing or carrying crystals and gemstones to engaging in more active practices such as creating psychic shields and crystal grids. There are two important caveats when working with these practices, however: you must engage with your crystals regularly, and do so intentionally.
We cannot expect crystals to do all the work for us. Rather, they are catalysts, and a catalyst is defined as something that lowers the amount of energy or effort required to achieve a desired outcome. Catalysts do not do the work (whatever the work may be), but they do make the work easier. That means your crystals aren’t a miracle cure that will solve all the problems in your life. Instead, think of them as allies and co-creators in your practice that will lead you and assist you as you grow and evolve.
Remember this when you choose which crystals to carry throughout the day. Just like we humans, your crystal allies will be more effective if you give them direction, feedback, and reciprocity. This means we should regularly cleanse and program our stones, which is an essential step in partnering with them intentionally.
Especially when it comes to protective stones, it is vital that you cleanse them regularly, as the inherent memory in stones can retain imprints of the energies you are trying to ward off. I give mine a gentle cleanse each day when I empty my pockets and take off my jewelry once I get home. My favorite methods that are safe for cleansing all types of crystals are sound, smoke, and the breath.
One of the most popular ways to employ gemstones for any use, protective or otherwise, is to wear them as jewelry. It is likely that the very first stones to adorn our ancestors were chosen because they were believed to be something sacred, somehow imbued with a special quality that offered protection and power. Gemstones and crystals continue to be worn as jewelry and appreciated for their spiritual gifts today.
As with any other application of your beloved stones, the more meaningful your relationship with them the more effective they will be. Wearing crystals without being mindful or taking time for adequate preparation via cleansing and empowering them will still have some beneficial effects. However, the practice of cleansing your crystals and charging them with your intention forges a strong link between you and the spirits of the stones; it elevates you and your stones as equal co-creators. This is the quintessential step in all spiritual work with stones, and it can be as simple as spending a moment or two in silent contemplation before decking yourself out with your favorite gems.
Necklaces And Pendants
When most of us think of wearing gemstones, necklaces and pendants immediately spring to mind. Necklaces are versatile tools that can suit a variety of needs and fashions. They are available as pendants, strands of beads, and other designs. Pendants can become a focal point not only for personal protection but as talismanic reminders of our magickal and spiritual power.
Wearing strands of gemstone beads allows the stones to physically encircle you, thereby providing comfort and safety in all directions. Protective gemstones are excellent when employed as beaded necklaces, such as those employed in gemstone energy medicine (gemstone therapy).
The length of your necklace will also have an impact with regard to its effects. Shorter lengths will stay close to the throat, thereby protecting your voice and means of self-expression. Those that lay near the heart are more emotionally protective. Very sensitive people may benefit from wearing a necklace that falls just above the heart, over the thymus gland, as this is a natural window into your energy field. A gemstone that falls over the thymus gland will shield us from unwanted intrusions. When our stones hang below the heart and toward the solar plexus, they offer additional strength and support to the will, and help prevent the attachment of energetic cords in the aura and chakras.
Pendants can become a focal point not only for personal protection but as talismanic reminders of our magickal and spiritual power. Copper is the metal of Venus, and though it is not as outright protective as gold or silver, it is a very healing metal that can assist in recovery from psychic attack.
Bracelets allow us to wear gems in an accessible manner. Gemstone bracelets cost less than necklaces made from the same stones on account of their smaller size. Bracelets are also easily visible to the wearer, thus offering a gentle reminder about the energies at work for your protection and well-being. Another benefit of wearing gemstone bracelets is they are in constant motion throughout your aura; as you move your arms and hands throughout the day, you are stirring the gems’ energies and enlivening the whole of your aura.
Generally speaking, your dominant hand is considered more projective, and your nondominant hand more receptive. Wearing bracelets on the wrist of your receptive hand helps filter the energy that you receive from your environment. This can greatly alleviate psychic drain, especially for empaths and other naturally sensitive people. Wearing gemstones on the wrist of your dominant hand may color the energy that you send into your environment.
Cloaking stones, such as larvikite and obsidian, may make you less noticeable if worn on the dominant hand. Ultimately, having a crystal or gemstone in your energy field allows it to perform its protective functions no matter where it is placed, so wear your bracelets wherever they feel most comfortable.
A benefit of wearing gemstone bracelets is they are in constant motion throughout your aura; as you move your arms and hands throughout the day, you are stirring the gems’ energies and enlivening the whole of your aura.
Jewel-bearing rings of an apotropaic (protective) nature are some of the oldest magickal tools to be found in the ruins of many an ancient city. Rings are ever-abundant on the market, and they come in a wide variety of stones and styles. They are openly displayed as a reminder for yourself, as well as a signal to your surroundings, that you are protected. Rings also allow you to combine the energy of your favorite stones with complementary metals. Gold, for example, is overtly solar in nature and confers success, protection, and sovereignty. Silver is a lunar metal that boosts psychic power and provides a nurturing protection. Copper is the metal of Venus, and though it is not as outright protective as gold or silver, it is a very healing metal that can assist in recovery from psychic attack.
There are esoteric systems that map out the planetary, elemental, and other spiritual correspondences of our fingers; each finger is associated with a different planet, element, meridian, and so forth. You can choose to combine the influence of a particular gemstone with the correspondences of the finger on which you wear it. The key here is to do so intentionally — if your favorite ring only fits on one finger, don’t worry if that finger doesn’t have the ideal elemental or astrological correspondence for your magickal working. Combining these energies should augment, not limit, your practice.
Here are a few key themes related to the planets that rule each finger to help you choose the optimal placement for protective rings:
Mercury (little finger): Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, movement, and travel. A protective gem worn on the little finger can ensure safe travels and a clear mind.
Sun (ring finger): The sun represents success, identity, sovereignty, and health. A gemstone worn here infuses your entire being with its protective influences, and it may be especially helpful for safeguarding your health if you are targeted by intrusive or malicious energies.
Saturn (middle finger): The middle finger is aligned with Saturn, planet of discipline, karma, banishing, and limitation. Wearing a gemstone on this finger amplifies its protective influence thanks to the virtues of Saturn.
Jupiter (index finger): Jupiter is often associated with expansion, luck, joy, and prosperity. Try coupling a protective gemstone with the influence of Jupiter to end cycles of bad luck or misfortune owed to troublesome energies or psychic harm.
Mars (thumb): Mars is named for the god of war, and it bestows the qualities of protection, action, drive, and ambition. A gemstone worn on the thumb is therefore quite protective, and it can help you navigate conflict decisively.
Jewel-bearing rings of an apotropaic (protective) nature are some of the oldest magickal tools to be found in the ruins of many an ancient city. Rings are openly displayed as a reminder for yourself, as well as a signal to your surroundings, that you are protected.
Crystal and gemstone earrings primarily exert their influence over the third-eye and crown chakras, making them an excellent aid for enhancing and protecting our spiritual senses. Because of the proximity of earrings to our sense organs, particularly our ears and eyes, earrings that bear protective, grounding stones can help filter out unwanted or unhelpful energies much in the same way that noise-canceling headphones filter out extraneous sound.
Even though the size of the gems in your earrings may be very small, the energy of these stones is focused on sensitive areas of your physical and subtle anatomy, making them effective tools.
Dangling earrings sway to and fro as you wear them, thereby clearing and preventing stagnant energy. Gemstone earrings can alleviate some of the symptoms of psychic attack, including headaches, confusion, and communication issues.
Wearing your favorite protective stones as earrings can help you maintain a clear mental picture of safety and protection, as well as promote healthy and safe decision-making in the shadow of potential harm.
Even though the size of the gems in your earrings may be very small, the energy of these stones is focused on sensitive areas of your physical and subtle anatomy, making them effective tools. Dangling earrings sway to and fro as you wear them, thereby clearing and preventing stagnant energy.
Other Jewelry
Protective gems can be worn in a variety of other ways, including brooches, anklets, waist beads, crowns, and body piercings. Brooches and pins placed over the chest guard the heart against wayward emotions, while crowns, tiaras, and hair ornaments adorned with crystals can enhance your rituals and protect the uppermost chakras.
You can repurpose other kinds of jewelry into protective amulets using your ingenuity and intention. For example, lockets can be filled with protective herbs, gemstone chips or shards, and a hand-drawn sigil to create a potent amulet. Miniature jars and vials can be filled with similar ingredients and strung around the neck or turned into earrings.
However you choose to wear your protective stones, be sure to cleanse, empower ad program them frequently in order to maintain their efficacy.
Excerpt from Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense by Nicholas Pearson © 2025 Destiny Books. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.
Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly 30 years. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, he offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. He is the author of several books, including Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense. Visit
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Clearing And Protection For Empaths With Crystals
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