Photo courtesy Sarah Fuhro

New Moon in Aquarius — January 29, 2025

This new Moon is the marker for the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake. The snake has been relegated to fear and loathing by monotheism, but is a symbol of Earth wisdom by other cultures.

Because she can lose her skin and yet remain alive, she symbolizes transcendence and immortality. Her home is under and through Earth. Snake venom can be poisonous and medicinal.

Like the snake, remember Earth is our home, our place of refuge. And, like the snake, remember that we change our skin when it becomes too tight, too worn out and tattered, but underneath is a new beautiful spring outfit.

Photo courtesy Sarah Fuhro


We are at the turning point of the year we call Imbolc, when we honor the goddess Brighid in her many forms: Midwife, Craftswoman and Poet. Light a candle to her powerful love and inspiration.

Our country and much of the world seems to have lost the way, but this is her season. Expect change and discover your role in her plan to make this a planet of love and community.

She does not turn away from what looks difficult. We are all in labor and need her guiding hand to be reborn. We struggle to craft new comfort from traditional forms without destroying our home — Earth.

And what is our song for this time of conflict, when we need to stand together to get to a place of kindness and imagination?

Photo courtesy Wikipedia

The Rowan Moon

This is the Moon of Rowan — also known as Mountain Ash and its ancient Celtic name Luis — a magical tree with the sign of the pentacle on the bottom surface of each berry. When we turn our eyes to Earth’s cyclical treasures, we gain healing power and the inspiration to find our way as healer, singer, and maker.

Sarah Fuhro teaches astrology and tarot workshops and provides consultations in person and online. She offers both clients and students knowledge powerfully rooted in the past, in the language of the present. You can subscribe to her newsletter or contact her at

Find holistic Astrology practitioners in the Spirit of Change online Alternative Health Directory.

Arrival Of Imbolc
The Wheel of the Year: A Path of Spiritual Awakening

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